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Thursday, September 6, 2012

During my searching and planning work today I was very fortunate to discover two very special service organizations. The one that I want to share with you today is named Design Gives Back.  Its founder and host is interior designer, Kelee Katillac.

Her mission over the past twenty years has been not only to design beautifully decorated, functional home spaces, but to use those designs to transform the lives of those that live in them with hope.  She uses a technique that she pioneered called "Color Therapy" which promotes personal well-being through the use of color.  Kelle began Design Gives Back (DGB) to do just that, give back to those who were in need.  She uses her heart and her skills as a holistic designer to improve the lives of  her new-found-friend's through personalized creative projects that help them visualize their special dream come true!

The following video is an inspiring example of Kellee Katillac's DGB - TLC for young Charlie Grady, who is  a fighter recovering from brain tumor cancer and his brave and supportive family.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

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